Wednesday, July 27, 2011

heart is here :)

Well... last time i wrote on this blog i had medicine making my heart pump... now i have a new heart!! its great! it works so good! haha well i can NOT believe that i actually remembered my password to this thing.. it took me like ten minutess.. ahah but i got it to work and thats all that matters :) i dont really know what to write about.. spoon (name changes)and john (also name changed) wanted me to blog so what the heck haha. well we dont know anything about the doner family... i wish we did. what if it was like someone we knew!! so weird.. haha well channel two came to interview me today... for channel two and mormon times hahha so they got my story and me taking my 13 or so pills i take in the morning.. haha 43 flipping pills a day is a lot!!! but every time i take one its like this one wiill be gone if i take it ill get more if i dont.. so ya haha idk how long this blog post has to be for john but ill just keep going on and on about stuff... well i might get to go back to school in november!!! NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!! thats like not that long! I think i can do it haha :) we went to the dodo yesterday outside... on the patio... in the shade... :) and then today i went out and ate cafe rio on the little table in the backyard and sat on the hammock and txted john and spoon. haha and cheesecake. hahahaha cheesecake on fb he doesnt have a phone. tomarrow i have to be at the hospital at 8 30 to get poked :( they are running out of spots cuz all my veins are already poked. for my cath they did it like right on my forearm. it hurt worse then any of the other pokes haha .. im watching the news... haha there's people dancing on it for this lady who needs a kidney transplant. ha. kidneys. no big deal. haha jk it is and it sucks to go through it. buuuuut someones got ta do it! at least its not another heart transplant. at


  1. well i wasnt really finished with this post haha but i guess i will be :) hope this is llong enough john!

  2. Its pretty cool to hear both sides of the story abby. Thanks for blogging.
